The Rise of Emoji in Healthcare Communication
Emoji are everywhere—nearly 10 billion are exchanged around the world every day. But as digital keyboards have proliferated, how are these little emotion-packed icons showing up in the realm of healthcare communication? PerfectServe examined anonymized data from thousands of messages exchanged within its platform to create this first-ever look at emoji use among providers.
So, what’s the most popular emoji? Which specialty uses emoji most frequently? How does emoji use in clinical settings compare to emoji use in the general population? What do these emoji trends reveal about care team communication?
Fill out the form to download the report today.
Did You Know?
More than 70% of healthcare workers who were initially hesitant are now integrating emoji in their daily work communication.
92% of the world’s online population use emoji today.
90% of emoji users agree that the icons make it easier to express themselves.