Workday Integration



PerfectServe’s integration with Workday leverages Lightning Bolt’s scheduling data to populate scheduled Time Block and Time Off events directly into each user’s Workday environment. This integration allows administrators to leverage one scheduling source of truth that powers multiple platforms.

Practical Benefits

Reduction of Duplicate Work:
The integration eliminates the need to manually transcribe data that exists in the Lightning Bolt schedule into the Workday platform.

Reduction of Human Error:
Automated data transfer minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual updates, ensuring accurate work hours and time off pass through to Workday.

Additional Notes

Integration Type Limitations:
This integration supports only Time Off and Time Block integrations with Workday. If your organization has another integration in mind, we can meet with your team to scope that work.

Integration Formats:
While we suggest leveraging the API endpoint to collect the data, a file-based option is also available.

Integration Protocols

1. API-Based Integration:
This integration leverages the Lightning Bolt API, which hosts Time Block and Time Off endpoints from which Workday can pull data.

Personnel Mapping:
Requires a unique ID for each provider in Lightning Bolt, which must match the user’s corresponding Workday account. This ID can be added to the ‘UniqueID’ or ‘Custom1-4’ fields in Lightning Bolt.

2. Position Mapping:
An identifier that indicates where a provider should be placed based on their assignment in the Lightning Bolt schedule.

Assignment Mapping: Involves setting various fields for each Lightning Bolt assignment:

  • Integration Type: A setting that informs the system if the shift in Lightning Bolt should be registered as a Time Off or Time Block shift when it’s pulled into Workday.
  • Integration Category: A field that corresponds with the Time Block or Time Off Code in order to properly update Workday

Data Availability:
All schedule data that appears on published schedules in Lightning Bolt will display in the Workday endpoints immediately. The frequency of data pulls into Workday can be customized.

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